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Passion for terroir

w e a r e p r o u d a n d p r o t e c t i v e o f o u r v i n e s a n d o u r t e r r o i r . o u r s o i l i s o u r l e g a c y .

Our crafts

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Bertrand Lhôpital

Over twenty years ago, in 1999, Bertrand Lhôpital was given the keys to the century-old family house by his father Serge. He has since devoted his life to his legacy with a strong conviction: his viticulture will be green and virtuous, respectful of the environment and its winegrowers. Bertrand Lhôpital is determined to preserve the quality of his champagne rather than focus on the quantity of his production. His attention remains on the vines of the Telmont estate, protecting its soil and respecting the terroir.
His research is directed by his ecological and environmental awareness, which is premature in the Champagne world.

Harvest Assemblage Maturation Dosage
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Cellar Manager

Aurore Guerlesquin

Aurore Guerlesquin was named Assistant Cellar Master of the Telmont champagne house in December 2020. A native of the Champagne region, born in Epernay, Aurore developed a passion for wine early on. Her first internships with renowned regional houses and the numerous tastings she performed there further piqued her interest in champagne. Today, Aurore is an essential member of the Telmont family, and accompanies Bertrand Lhôpital, Head of Viticulture and Cellar Master, daily in his perpetual quest of the unique style of Telmont Champagne.

Assemblage First Fermentaion Tirage Second Fermentation Dosage


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Bertrand Lhôpital

Cellar Master & Vineyard Director

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Aurore Guerlesquin

Wine Production & Cellar Manager

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Aurélie Nanquette

Communication & Hospitality Officer

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Henrick Bouche

Production and Expedition Officer

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Florence Berat

Office Manager

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Ludovic du Plessis

President of Maison Telmont

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Jérôme Pascual

Supply Officer

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Laurine Gagelin

Finance Manager

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Justin Meade

Global Marketing & Business Development Director

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Franck Barillet

Winery Officer

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Sandrine Itasse

Shop Manager & Hospitality Assistant

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Célia Marchand

Packaging & Quality Officer

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Damien Quencez

Production and cellar assistant

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Hervé Gougelez

Cellar and garden assistant

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t h e m a k i n g o f c h a m p a g n e

In the vines
In the cellars
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C h a m p a g n e r e g i o n

Excellence in its terroir, unique in its alliance of soil, climate and human craft. The Champagne appellation encompasses roughly 34,300 hectares of vineyards in the North East of France

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O u r s t o r y

our house is as much at the heart of the vineyard as the vineyard is at the heart of our house.

Guided by our values, and by the eternal pursuit of excellence, ours is an approach that brings together tradition and sustainability.


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